HomeTechnologyGadgets2024's Best PC Controllers: The Ultimate Gaming Experience Unveiled!

2024’s Best PC Controllers: The Ultimate Gaming Experience Unveiled!

Best PC controller is the best way to play While we’re still fans of our mouse-and-keypad shooters, there’s no shortage of games that are primarily designed around controllers. For all of these, you need a good PC gaming pad.

I know there are a lot of people out there who don’t agree with me on this point, but the truth is, in some cases, controllers are better than the game itself, even in games that are considered to be PC classics. Compare Elden Ring to The Witcher 3. Both games have a much easier control experience when you play with a top-of-the-line PC controller as opposed to a mouse or keyboard.

The best gaming mouse and best gaming keyboard will win almost every PC exclusive you’ll come across, but adding a top-notch controller to your collection will help you fill in the blanks.

Xbox Core Wireless Controller

The original Xbox 1 Wireless Controller was the go-to controller for PC gaming. When the Xbox series S/X arrived, we couldn’t help but wonder how Xbox had made improvements to an already excellent gamepad.

This controller has a lot of the same features that we liked on the original. Maintains the overall ergonomic design and features texturized rubber grips for a great tactile experience.

It has the same d-pad as its predecessor, but it has a much better d-pad, which you’ll be happy to use in combat and in platformers, drawing inspiration from the Elite Series Xbox controllers.

By now, you may have noticed the new Share button in the middle of the controller. Share buttons have been in high demand and allow you to take screenshots and video footage without having to dig too deeply into the menus. To be honest, however, this is a very small point in PC gaming.

There’s a reason we capitalize “Wireless”: it’s not because it’s a proper noun. It’s because the controller uses Microsoft’s wireless protocol called “Xbox Wireless.” While the name could use a bit of a tweak, you’ll be glad to know that, as of 2016, your Xbox Wireless controller also supports Bluetooth.

If you don’t have a Bluetooth dongle on your PC, you’ll need to buy a separate dongle called Microsoft Wireless to use the quick non-Bluetooth connection on your PC.

Scuf Instinct Pro

Scuf doesn’t mess around with controllers, providing some of the top-of-the-line premium pads on the market, alongside Sony and Microsoft. The Instinct Pro is also the best of the best when it comes to Microsoft-focused pad controllers if you want to avoid the two main bois of console gaming. But now that the Elite Series 2 is out there, how is anyone else competing in the enthusiast controller market?

The Instinct Pro offers more customization options than almost any other pad on the market. From the very first store page, Scuf is providing a wide range of cosmetic and physical personalisation options.

The D-pad and button facades are also customizable, as are the bumpers’ and triggers’ styling. It’s interesting to note that rumble motors can also be removed from the inside of the controller. This is something you’ll often find that pros end up taking out of their tournament controllers in order to reduce the inherent distractions of hand-switching.

However, this will definitely affect the price—I used my own options to bring it down to just under $250. I did, however, make a beautiful pink pad without rumble packs.

At the very least, Scuf has admitted that there’s no point in trying to compete with Microsoft in terms of design, as the Instinct Pro looks exactly the same as a regular Xbox Series X / S controller. In addition to the front faceplate, there are also rings and a mute button.

The thumbsticks feel nice and firm during a game session. Hammering your sticks with fast direction changes in a Twitch game hasn’t affected the pad in any way, and it still feels fluid and precise when you’re in a slower-paced game mode. The triggers also have a nice action, maybe not as deep as on the Elite but just as precise.

The other buttons are also strong and clicky, but I think the hair trigger mode is a bit too light for my taste. However, I can understand where some people might feel differently, so I wouldn’t categorize it as anything more than a personal preference, not a negative one.

Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2

Microsoft Elite Series 2 remains our number one gaming controller and if you’re using one for more than 10 minutes, you’ll see why we’ve got it at number one. The Series 2 epitomizes luxury in every sense of the word.

With the customization options, you have complete control over your playstyle (“control” being the key word here). The ability to control every part of the controller, from d-pads to shift paddles to joystick tension, is a game-changer.

The biggest difference between the Series 2 and the Series 1 (we also liked the Series 1) is the sleek carrying case, which doubles as a USB Type-C charging station for the new controller’s rechargeable battery with about 40 hours of juice.

It comes with 6 custom thumbsticks, 2 D-pads, 4 rear pedals and one tool for thumbstick tension adjustment.

The lack of Bluetooth in the Series 1 was something that caused a lot of controversy, but now that the Series 2 has adopted Bluetooth, you have a top-of-the-line PC controller and a device that will pair with your phone to play Apple Arcade games or play Xbox streaming. This makes the controller even more adaptable, which is important considering the high entry price.

Returning hair triggers are still one of my favourite things about Elite. For those of you who don’t know what they are, they regulate how far you have to pull the trigger in order to not waste your time and effort in a competitive shooter’s environment where milliseconds count.

The extra four rear paddles are also a nice touch and can create some interesting controller configurations. You never want to remove your thumbsticks? All you have to do is attach your face buttons to your back paddles. The Series 2’s extreme adaptability also means that the controller is very easy to use, which means that more people will be able to use it for PC games.



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